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Genetic diversity of ibias (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) and cubios (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz y Pavón) in Boyacá

Diversidad genética de ibias (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) y cubios (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz y Pavón) en Boyacá

How to Cite
Morillo, A., Morillo, Y., & Leguizamo, M. (2016). Genetic diversity of ibias (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) and cubios (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz y Pavón) in Boyacá. Sour Topics, 21(1), 44-53.

Ana Morillo
Yacenia Morillo
María Leguizamo

The Andean region is considered as an area which has a great diversity of species including roots and Andean tubers like ibias (Oxalis tuberosa Molina) and cubios (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruíz and Pavón). They are basic components of the diet of rural communities. Their tubers feature high content of primary and secondary metabolites that confers antibiotic, antioxidant, insecticides, nematicides, anticarcinogenic and diuretic properties. Considering their huge potential and the fact that there are no studies of genetic diversity of these species in Boyacá, the molecular characterization of 10 ibias and 11 cubios from Soracá, Ventaquemada, Tuta, San Pedro de Iguaque and Puente de Boyacá municipalities was proposed. The analysis by the coefficient of Nei-Li discriminated the population into two groups according to the morphological characteristics of the tuber and per species. The average heterozygosity estimated was 0,41 and a genetic differentiation coefficient of 0.15. The results obtained in this study demonstrated the existence of a genetic variation at an intraspecific level and a gene flow between the two evaluated species, which can be used in breeding programs tending to the production of hybrids and the exploitation of heterotic effects.


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