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Effect of calcium hydroxide on tubers’ sprout, late blight and yield of “Criolla” potato

Efecto del hidróxido de calcio sobre la brotación, tizón tardío y rendimiento en papa “Criolla”

How to Cite
Cardona, L., & Castaño Zapata, J. (2016). Effect of calcium hydroxide on tubers’ sprout, late blight and yield of “Criolla” potato. Sour Topics, 21(1), 65-76.

Luisa Cardona
Jairo Castaño Zapata

To evaluate new strategies of seed treatment and management of late blight, the effect of micronized calcium hydroxide [CaOH)2 ] on criolla potato was tested. The study was conducted the Universidad de Caldas, Tesorito’s farm, in a field infested with Phytophthora infestans. The treatments were: 1) Control, 2) Foliar spray of CaOH)2 (4 g L-1), 3) Foliar spray of CaOH)2 (8 g L-1), 4) Foliar spray of Ca(OH)2 (16 g L-1), 5) Foliar spray of CaOH)2 (32 g L-1), 6) Seed treatment with metalaxil + mancozeb (5 g L-1) + calendarized foliar sprays of fungicides, 7) Seed treatment with Ca(OH)2 (4 g L-1) + calendarized foliar sprays of fungicides. The management of late blight was initiated after the seeds sprouted. A complete randomized blocks design was used, with four replications and seven treatments with 14 effective plants per replication.The variables evaluated were: tubers sprout (%), disease severity (%) and yield (t ha-1). The highest sprout was obtained treating the tubers with Ca(OH)2 (4 g L-1), or with metalaxyl + mancozeb (5 g L-1), both with 92% of final sprouting, with highly significant differences to the other treatments. The highest yield was obtained when tubers were treated with Ca(OH)2 + calendarized foliar sprays of fungicides with 31.29 t ha-1. The severity of late blight was influenced by an accumulated precipitation of 85.2 mm, registered between September 3rd and 13th, coinciding with the close of the foliage, which constitute favorable conditions for the development of the disease.


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