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Competences in solving mathematical problems mediated by reading comprehension strategies in basic education students

Competencias de resolución de problemas matemáticos mediadas por estrategias de comprensión lectora en estudiantes de educación básica

How to Cite
Andrade Payares, E. A., & Narváez Cruz, L. M. (2017). Competences in solving mathematical problems mediated by reading comprehension strategies in basic education students. Assensus, 2(3), 9-28.


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Enrique Alexander Andrade Payares
Lina María Narváez Cruz

This article gives an account of the processes and results of the research entitled "Strategies of reading comprehension and its influence in the development of the competence of solving mathematical problems", whose purpose was to determine the influence of the implementation of strategies of reading comprehension in the development Of the competence of solving mathematical problems in students of fifth grade of basic primary. A proposal for intervention based on reading comprehension strategies was designed, implemented and evaluated. Modeling from Solé's (1994) approach, establishing a scenario in which students assume an active role in reading comprehension and learning in relation to mathematical problems. The methodological design of the study was quasi-experimental, applying a model with four groups of grade 5° of primary education of the educational institution Heriberto García Garrido, located in urban area of Tolú Viejo - Sucre. Two experimental groups and two control groups were defined, with pre-post tests. The program of intervention with was constituted with strategies of anticipation, self-questioning, vocabulary, schemas, summary and evaluation. The results allowed to determine the aspects in which there are evidences significant variations in the level of competence of solving mathematical problems, attributable to the intervention program.

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