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Scholar Religious Education as ecumenical space and spiritual-humanizing basis

La Educación Religiosa Escolar como espacio ecuménico y fundamento espiritual humanizante

How to Cite
Gamarra Guerrero, A. L., Genes Argel, E. M., & Pacheco Lora, L. C. (2019). Scholar Religious Education as ecumenical space and spiritual-humanizing basis. Assensus, 4(6), 70-89.


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Eduar Miguel Genes Argel

This article shows the current situation of School Religious Education in a public institution in Colombia, the Normal Superior School of Montería. It is formulated as an objective, to determine some guidelines for the design of a pedagogical proposal of School Religious Education as an ecumenical space and spiritual-humanizing foundation in the Normal Superior School of Montería. Warns of the influence the Catholic Church has had on the Institutional Educational Project and on the subject plan of this course and describes the new cultural, social, normative, confessional and pluralistic scenario, through the characterization of educational community perceptions where this research was developed. The research is located in the qualitative research field, and it used grounded theory methodology to create a substantive theory related to the particular situation of school Religious Education development in the institution, emerged from the expressions of conformity, nonconformity, facts validation and proposal of the educational community about this phenomenon. The alternatives of solution were identified in the appreciations of the educational community that contributed to the guidelines for the design of a pedagogical proposal that recognizes the School Religious Education as a key tool in the integral formation of the students, open to the world of religions, spiritual, transcendent and constructed with the participation of all the confessions of faith that coexist in the institution, within the framework of tolerance, respect and dialogue.

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