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Thoughts on the construction of critical thinking in the Montemarian School and the exercise of metacognition in institutions: Notes for a debate.

Reflexiones sobre la construcción de pensamiento crítico en la Escuela Montemariana y el ejercicio de la metacognición en las instituciones: Notas para un debate

How to Cite
Daniels Puello, A. (2019). Thoughts on the construction of critical thinking in the Montemarian School and the exercise of metacognition in institutions: Notes for a debate. Assensus, 4(6), 57-70.


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Amaranto Daniels Puello

This reflection article comes from the results of a first analytical approach of the institutional educational projects of five educational institutions in the Montes de María-Colombia; It aims to explore the challenges, processes and actions required for the formation of critical thinking in the Montemarian school, within the framework of the school-territory relationship and its various functions, which has as key elements for its understanding: the complexity of the society, the increase of social and / or cultural diversity and, likewise, the tensions that arise from the economic, political and social context of the Montes de María, a Colombian sub-region that tries to move from conflict to the restoration of peace.

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