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Scenario of joint construction of knowledge mediated by ICTs in the area of philosophy

Escenario de construcción conjunta del conocimiento mediado por las TIC en el área de filosofía

How to Cite
Mercado Herazo, A. M., Ruiz Araujo, D., & Pacheco Lora, L. C. (2021). Scenario of joint construction of knowledge mediated by ICTs in the area of philosophy. Assensus, 6(10), 90-111.


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Andres Miguel Mercado Herazo
Dayro Ruiz Araujo
Luis Carlos Pacheco Lora

The philosophy teacher is called to seek alternatives to enhance the learning of students in a significant way through the use of technological tools, therefore, this article shows the results of the research that aimed to assess the impact of the implementation of scenarios for the construction of knowledge in the area of philosophy mediated by the creation of a YouTube channel in the 10th grade of the Higher Normal Educational Institution of Sahagún, Córdoba. Thus, the learning environments in the area of philosophy that incorporate ICT not only provide a series of technological tools, resources and computer and telematics software applications, which teachers can use to teach and, for their part, students to learn. A qualitative research was carried out with a phenomenological modality, based on an action research approach where the focus group, the interview and the observation were used as information gathering techniques. The results obtained reflected that the knowledge and management of teachers about ICT is one of the elements that conditions the optimization of pedagogical practice and the articulation of technological resources in academic processes. In accordance with this, the pedagogical practices of the philosophy teachers of the Higher Normal Educational Institution of Sahagún show the low or null integration of ICT to them. For this reason, the creation of a YouTube channel made it possible to assimilate in a simple way the development of the learning and teaching activities proposed in the pedagogical proposal, which aroused an active participation in the students that contributed and fostered enthusiasm for learning, and the assessment of philosophical knowledge and personal achievements.

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