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Oratory as a pedagogical scenario for the development of critical thinking skills: a commitment to virtuality

La Oratoria como escenario pedagógico para el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento crítico: una apuesta en la virtualidad

How to Cite
Baquero Escobar, M. A., & Doria Correa, R. (2021). Oratory as a pedagogical scenario for the development of critical thinking skills: a commitment to virtuality. Assensus, 6(10), 132-150.


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This communication presents partial results of a research whose objective is to understand the contribution of the practice of public speaking, from the area of Social Sciences, in the development of Critical Thinking skills in high school students. Theoretically, it is supported by contributions from Richard Paul and Linda Elder, Van Manen, among others. It is a qualitative approach study, with a hermeneutic phenomenological methodological design, supported by the techniques of participant observation, conversational interview and anecdotal records of the participants (eight students and three teachers of eleventh grade). The information was processed and analyzed using Larkin & Thompson's Interpretative Phenomenological Analisys, in correspondence with the hermeneutic approach proposed by Van Manen, and the transcription by Google voice dictation and the recording and organization of data in a field diary of the interactions on Facebook. Partial results of the transcription and interpretation of an anecdotal record of a Social Sciences teacher are shown, from which three themes or categories emerged that show how public speaking practices, through empathetic pedagogical relationships between teacher and student, contribute to forge a critical conscience, mediated by the free exercise of speech in school.

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