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Impact of the use of the “Leo y Argumento” strategy for the development of critical thinking skills

Impacto del uso de la estrategia “Leo y Argumento” para el desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento crítico

How to Cite
Bustamante de Hoyos, D. de J., & Funez Chávez, P. E. (2021). Impact of the use of the “Leo y Argumento” strategy for the development of critical thinking skills. Assensus, 6(10), 151-167.


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Dairo de Jesús Bustamante de Hoyos
Paulo Emilio Funez Chávez

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of the use of the strategy - Leo and Argument - for the development of critical thinking skills in secondary school students of the Liceo Carmelo Percy Vergara de Corozal Educational Institution. Methodologically, it was structured under a quantitative approach and method. The type of research was descriptive and evaluative with a quasi-experimental design with the participation of two work groups, a control group (Gc) with 19 students and the other experimental (Ge) with 21 students. The technique used was observation through surveys and the instrument designed was a knowledge test divided into six (06) parts and nineteen (19) items. In the pre-test, the two groups showed homogeneity in the results. Poor critical thinking skills. The results obtained in the post test made a great difference in the two groups. The experimental group, to which the strategy was applied, developed 90% of their critical thinking skills, while the control group, which only received normal classes, did not develop these skills. For the final purposes of this research, it is concluded that the strategy used does promote the development of critical thinking skills.

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