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Research and professional development of the Master's in Education Sue Caribe - Universidad de Cartagena

Las apuestas investigativas y el desarrollo profesional de los egresados de la Maestría en Educación Sue Caribe - Universidad de Cartagena

How to Cite
Mallarino Miranda, N., & Martínez Morad, K. (2021). Research and professional development of the Master’s in Education Sue Caribe - Universidad de Cartagena. Assensus, 6(10), 214-231.


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The following are the results obtained in the research Socio-educational transformations: research and professional development of the graduates, Master in Education SUE Caribe Universidad de Cartagena 2008-2017, whose objective was to analyze the changes that have arisen from the graduate work in the context where it was implemented and the professional development of the graduates. This research was approached theoretically and methodologically from a historical hermeneutic approach, the techniques of information collection used were the interview, life history and focus group. The results showed that the Master's degree works impacted the context where they were developed, the experience that the graduates had in the course of the program accounts for changes in pedagogical practices, the development of human and research competencies. It was concluded that the program enjoys a good name and great recognition in the academic communities. Teachers and other professionals from different areas of knowledge have studied it, the degree works include diverse themes that show the plurality and versatility of the same, taking into account the social reality that surrounds the educational institutions of the Caribbean Region.

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