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The Playfull adapted for children with learning difficulties in the Departmental Educational Institution Escuela Normal Superior de Junín.

Lúdica adaptada para niños con dificultades de aprendizaje en la Institución Educativa Departamental Escuela Normal Superior de Junín.

How to Cite
Garzón Rozo, J. M., & Martínez Rodríguez, Z. N. . (2023). The Playfull adapted for children with learning difficulties in the Departmental Educational Institution Escuela Normal Superior de Junín. Assensus, 8(15), 30-51.

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Jenny Milena Garzón Rozo
Zuathlyn Nedid Martínez Rodríguez

This article is the product of research carried out on play adapted for children with learning difficulties in the Departmental Educational Institution Escuela Normal Superior de Junín (ENSJ), which arises from the need to identify how educational processes are developed and pedagogical with students with learning difficulties, what are the positions of the teachers and the main needs that these children present, with the intention of knowing and at the same time generating ludic, pedagogical and significant spaces that enhance the learning of the students in the Departmental Educational Institution Escuela Normal Superior de Junín (ENSJ). The methodological design is oriented from the social critical paradigm, a qualitative approach under the action research method and its phases: planning, action, reflection and adjustments. The following information collection instruments were taken into account: the interview, the observation and the field diary. The study population was eight teachers and two parents belonging to the ENSJ. The results obtained corroborate the need for teacher training to work with students with learning difficulties, it also requires having resources and tools that allow strengthening the processes not only of learning, but also of teaching, coexistence and assertive socialization. Finally, the conclusions present the main results obtained by each one of the objectives, the contributions of the process to the line of deepening in inclusion are described and some questions are raised with the intention of generating new investigative processes.

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