Educational innovations with ICT as generators of change in classroom pedagogical practices.
Las Innovaciones Educativas con TIC como generadoras de cambio en las prácticas pedagógicas de aula
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In Phase 1 of the research project “Strengthening and expanding the coverage of postgraduate training in Educational Innovations with ICT through virtual education strategies in the socio-cultural context of the region”, developed by the Universidad del Cauca and in alliance with the Secretariat of Education of Popayán and of Cauca, and the Group of Creation of Companies, inquired about the meaning of Educational Innovations with ICT for teachers in south-western Colombia; global trends in the use of new technologies in education based on the Horizon project reports; and the revision of the study plans of 18 postgraduate programs in Colombia. The conclusion is that Educational Innovations with ICT, rather than the incorporation of technology in education, seeks to generate changes in the pedagogical paradigm based on the possibilities offered by these new technologies.
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