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Towards the creation of the MOOC for the Improvement in Traffic to Higher Education

Hacia la creación del MOOC para el Mejoramiento en el Tránsito a la Educación Superior

How to Cite
Arévalo, D., Jaramillo, D., Benavidez, P., Ramírez, G., & Corchuelo, M. (2019). Towards the creation of the MOOC for the Improvement in Traffic to Higher Education. Ingeniería E Innovación, 7(1), 4.

Deicy Arévalo, MSc.
Daniel Jaramillo, PhD (c)
Pastor Benavidez, PhD (c)
Gustavo Ramírez, PhD
Miguel Corchuelo, PhD

Deicy Arévalo, MSc.,

Magister en Educación, Fisioterapeuta. Coordinadora Proyecto MOOCMenTES – Universidad del Cauca. Colombia. 

Daniel Jaramillo, PhD (c),

PhD (c) y Magister en Ingeniería Telemática, Ingeniero Electrónico Telecomunicaciones, 

Pastor Benavidez, PhD (c)

PhD (c) y Magister en Educación, Ingeniero Electrónico y Telecomunicaciones. Docente de Educación Media- Ministerio de Educación Nacional

Gustavo Ramírez, PhD

PhD y Magister en Ingeniería Telemática, Ingeniero Electrónico Telecomunicaciones

Miguel Corchuelo, PhD

PhD en Ciencias de la Educación, Especialista en Aprendizaje Autónomo. Licenciatura en Física y Electrónica  

In Colombia and specifically in the department of Cauca, there is low income and high desertion of young people from ethnic and rural communities in higher education. Within the framework of this problem, the MenTES program emerged, whose purpose is to promote that this population band not only access the university, but that it be academically supported in it. However, without ignoring the remarkable nature of this program, it was evident that there was a lack of coverage, especially in remote or difficult areas of the department. This is how this paper presents the design of the MOOC for Improvement in Traffic to Higher Education; a virtual strategy with an open and massive character that aims to train teachers so that they can replicate the experience of the MenTES program in their communities.

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