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Educational Intervention Supported in ICT in an Inclusive Teaching-Learning Process

Intervención Educativa Apoyada En Tic En Un Proceso De Enseñanza-Aprendizaje Inclusivo

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Román Melendez, G., & Gómez Villa, J. E. (2017). Educational Intervention Supported in ICT in an Inclusive Teaching-Learning Process. Ingeniería E Innovación, 6(2).

Gabriel Román Melendez
Jorge Elías Gómez Villa

Gabriel Román Melendez

Mngeniero Industrial, Especialista en Gestión Gerencial, Magister en Educación con énfasis en cognición, Máster universitario en innovación e investigación en educación y Doctorando en Innovación didáctica y formación del profesorado. Líder de la línea de investigación Tecnología e Innovación Educativa del Grupo de Investigación Educación e innovación educativa de la Facultad de Educación de la UTB.

Jorge Elías Gómez Villa

Licenciado en educación básica con énfasis en matemáticas y Especialista en matemática avanzada.  Docente de la Secretaria de Educación Distrital de Cartagena.

Effective schools are educationally inclusive centers, being demonstrated not only in their performance, but in their distinctive character and their willingness to offer new opportunities to those students who may have experienced difficulties, supporting them in the educational process and constantly monitoring and evaluating them. your progress The general objective of the study was to define a proposal for educational intervention in the areas of mathematics supported by ICT, based on the analysis of the academic intervention process of students with learning difficulties and psychosocial aspects, considering the individual differences of students, including their learning styles and rhythms, as well as their specific needs that require differentiated educational support. For this purpose, the descriptive method with a quantitative approach was used, evaluating the curriculum and the teaching - learning process supported by technological resources, in which 2 math teachers from the third grade of elementary school participated, each with a group of 20 students. .

The results obtained indicate that 100% of the educational institutions of the representative sample need to be strengthened in the elements that characterize an inclusive school, such as curricular adaptations, teacher training and inclusive educational resources, among others. Students with specific needs that require differentiated educational support are intervened or accompanied by teachers and / or psychosocial team (in the institutions that have this team) in the academic component through reinforcements and in the psychological component with talks, usually in company of parents or responsible guardian. The proposal generated from the results of the research process corresponds to the definition of an academic intervention process developed individually and collectively through the support of technological educational resources that give the inclusive character to the educational process, allowing all Students in a regular classroom learn in a meaningful way. In the validation of the model of educational intervention supported by ICT, the results obtained were that 80% of the students obtained the competences related to the topic addressed in the test at first and the remaining 20% ​​with additional didactic exercises. a second moment he could reach the required competences.

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