Estilos de aprendizaje y minería de datos: un estudio preliminar en el contexto universitario
Estilos de aprendizaje y minería de datos: un estudio preliminar en el contexto universitario
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This article presents the preliminary findings of ongoing research on learning styles and academic performance in engineering students of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. For the development of the research, data mining has been used as a technique for ordering and analyzing data. The research is articulated with the commitment of the University to prevent student desertion and improve the pedagogical practices of university teachers, taking as a frame of reference the commitment of the Ministry of National Education (MEN-Colombia) to strengthen smart cities. In the initial theoretical approach, the questionnaire (CHAEA) of Honey and Alonso was identified as the main instrument for evaluating learning styles. With the CHAEA questionnaire, the collection of data is started, which will later be analyzed with the help of different algorithms applied in data analytics. This initial phase of the investigation made it possible to show that data mining has been used frequently in studies related to academic performance and university desertion, especially the problem tree technique:
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