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Exploration of the use of cellular models with the inverted class strategy

Exploración del uso de modelos celulares con la estrategia de clase invertida

How to Cite
Quiroga, A. J., & Freyre Bernal, S. I. (2019). Exploration of the use of cellular models with the inverted class strategy. Ingeniería E Innovación, 7(2), 5.

Andrés Javier Quiroga, MSc.
Sofía Isabel Freyre Bernal, MSc.

Andrés Javier Quiroga, MSc.,

Biólogo Magíster en Bioquimica.1. Docente. Departamento de Ciencias Fisiológicas. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad del Cauca. Colombia.

Sofía Isabel Freyre Bernal, MSc.

Química. Magister Ciencias Bioquímica 2. Departamento de Ciencias Fisiológicas. Docente. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad del Cauca. Colombia.

In the context of learning, work, reading, design, strategy, communication, development, models, cellular and molecular biology, problems related to speech, hearing and language, the strategy of investment in phonoaudiology students. of the health of the University of Cauca. Some examples of results of the application of this strategy are shown.

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