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Partner - affectivity in the development of professional teaching practices within the framework of the program "viva la escuela" in rural areas of Bolívar and La Guajira"

Socio - afectividad en el desarrollo de las prácticas profesionales docentes en el marco del programa "viva la escuela" en áreas rurales de Bolívar y la Guajira

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Caparroso Llach, O. N. ., Caparroso Llach, O. N., Oyaga Martínez, R. F. ., Venegas Polo, M. ., & Ortiz Padilla, M. L. . (2023). Partner - affectivity in the development of professional teaching practices within the framework of the program "viva la escuela" in rural areas of Bolívar and La Guajira". Ingeniería E Innovación, 11(2).

Marco Venegas Polo
Martha Luz Ortiz Padilla

Oriana Natasha Caparroso Llach

Estudiante décimo semestre, Licenciatura En Educación Infantil, Universidad del Atlántico,

Oriana Natasha Caparroso Llach

Estudiante décimo semestre, Licenciatura En Educación Infantil, Universidad del Atlántico

Rafael Fernando Oyaga Martínez

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Docente /grupo INGLEX/Facultad de Educación Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla

Marco Venegas Polo,

Coordinador Licenciatura en Educación Infantil/grupo INGLEX/Facultad de Educación Universidad del Atlántico

Martha Luz Ortiz Padilla,

Docente /grupo INGLEX/Facultad de Educación Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia 

In the development of the "viva la escuela" program in which we carry out our pedagogical practices, in the dispersed rural areas of La Guajira and southern Bolívar, which have very similar characteristics in terms of the type of population in which we find westernized indigenous people. in its great majority, illiterate parents, state abandonment, economic precariousness, deficiencies in the supply of drinking water and electricity, unmotivated teachers or without vocation, they do not have a professional psycho counselor or psychologist, there is no work material in schools and likewise the children do not have implements for the development of their classes. After carrying out the due process of observation and analysis, it was possible to identify part of the difficulties in the reading and writing processes, a great flaw in the socio-affective development of children, which is also directly related to their teaching-learning; as stated (Philip, 1997) who affirms that: "the existing similarity between intelligence and affectivity is a firm, constant interaction and they are inseparable, for this reason affectivity influences the same structures of intelligence and from it emerges knowledge and original cognitive operations” (p.51). Likewise, it was possible to identify culturally rooted behaviors that foster attitudes of discrimination or belittlement towards women by parents and reflected in the actions of minors, for which the determination was made to work strategies focused on unlearning certain behaviors.

Within the framework of the "viva la escuela" program, in which we can understand the school as a space and system of relationships and interactions oriented towards learning, it implies understanding that the quality of these interactions and relationships determines the quality of learning for all students. . In this way, to offer educational directors, teachers, students and families a social cartography tool that has as a reference the principles of dialogical learning to "observe" that both students exercise the right to a quality education that is expressed in the conception of an inclusive school, that is, one that focuses its efforts on reducing the barriers to participation and learning, open to the contributions of the educational community and active in processes of innovation and continuous transformation; On the one hand, it allows a greater understanding of the principles and, on the other hand, the appropriation of these as a basis for the subsequent realization of some successful educational actions; therefore, three basic principles of dialogic learning were taken, which mainstream our pedagogical action based on cognitive development and socio-affectivity in the aforementioned educational communities, the aforementioned principles are:Egalitarian dialogue, which states that all opinions are important and deserve to be heard and respected, in the same way.

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