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The role of educational institutions in the diffusion of legal regulations that sanctioned violence against women

El papel de las instituciones educativas en la difusión de la normatividad jurídica que sanciona la violencia contra la mujer

How to Cite
Larrarte Guzmán, D., & Portillo Wilches, J. C. (2017). The role of educational institutions in the diffusion of legal regulations that sanctioned violence against women. Assensus, 2(2), 27-39.


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Daniela Larrarte Guzmán
Jorge Camilo Portillo Wilches

This article is the result of an investigation, whose objective was to make a diagnosis on the degree of dissemination that has legal regulations related to violence against women in 10th semester students of the Cooperative University of Colombia headquarters Montería. The research problem, revolves around a scourge that has struck mankind since time immemorial, which is violence against women, which in the case of Colombia presented alarming figures, as well as also deals with the role played by the State in so important as it is the strategies for the dissemination of legal regulations related to this problem and the effectiveness of the same.  The study is addressed from a quantitative descriptive design. It included a questionnaire multiple choice with multiple response to determine what the national and international standards are more known by the students, means that more favor the diffusion, the best-known campaigns and benefits that are perceived to have knowledge of the rules.  Stands out the low degree of dissemination that has the number of students who cannot find advantages to have knowledge of the rules and regulations.

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