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Civic education a key tool for reconciliation, coexistence and the strengthening of democracy

Educación ciudadana herramienta clave para la reconciliación, la convivencia y el fortalecimiento de la democracia

How to Cite
Piñeres de la Ossa, D., Páez Rodríguez, G., & Ardila Ramos, Z. (2017). Civic education a key tool for reconciliation, coexistence and the strengthening of democracy. Assensus, 2(2), 40-48.


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Dora Piñeres de la Ossa
Graciela Páez Rodríguez
Zohamy Ardila Ramos

Citizenship for education strengthening democracy? If the challenge to address this issue and bring you to the newly signed agreement for peace in Colombia. Democracy is just a means to consolidate peace, it is betting on citizen participation where “all fit, think and are entitled to disagree where ideas are defended with argument and never with weapons”. The education agreement as determinant of living together will be the key tool where you should start the process of reconciliation and coexistence, and to reconstruct humanistic, whit plurality and respect the fragility the social fabric whit equity, inclusion and coexistence and rebuild a real democracy.

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