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Teaching strategies of teaching and learning through a model towards inclusive education

Estrategias didácticas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje en un modelo hacia la educación inclusiva

How to Cite
Álvarez Oquendo, R., Chamorro Benavidez, D., & Giraldo, J. C. (2018). Teaching strategies of teaching and learning through a model towards inclusive education. Assensus, 3(4), 9-22.


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Rafael Álvarez Oquendo
Diana Chamorro Benavidez
Juan Carlos Giraldo

This article shows the results of the implementation of an inclusive education model mediated in the design of teaching and learning strategies for the English, in 8th grade students of Instituciòn Educativa El Chiquí (San Bernardo del Viento, Córdoba). From the qualitative approach and supported by the Research-Action method, the design of teaching strategies was proposed two cycles and four phases: Diagnosis, Planning, Action, and Analysis -final reflection. The diagnosis showed some factors associated with the demotivation of students against content, the methodologies used by teachers in the classroom, and the limited use of available technological and didactic resources. The results of the teaching and learning didactic strategies implemented, showed a favorable evolution in study habits and student motivation, greater commitment to develop their academic activities, and an improvement in the performance of their cognitive and communicative in English skills.

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