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Didactic innovation framed in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for the teaching of Biology

Innovación didáctica enmarcada en el aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) para la enseñanza de la Biología

How to Cite
Aguado O., A., & Campo F., Álvaro. (2018). Didactic innovation framed in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) for the teaching of Biology. Assensus, 3(4), 23-36.


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Anet Aguado O.
Álvaro Campo F.

The theoretical-conceptual and methodological components in this article, come mainly from an experience of three years of work with the PBL methodology that was part of a research oriented from the Master's in education SUE Caribbean of the University of Córdoba, with the purpose of determining the influence of the PBL methodology in the development of the scientific competence of ninth grade students in the area of Natural Sciences / Biology. The study is framed within the quasi-experimental design of chronological series with 4 evaluations (one pre and three post) with two intact groups: one experimental group (used the PBL methodology) and one control group (did not use the PBL), each one conformed by 30 students. The measuring instruments were questionnaires questions with multiple-choice only response. For the analysis of the result, ANOVA intra and inter-group was performed. The results obtained throughout the research process could establish that the implementation of the PBL approach allowed the appropriation of theories, contents and knowledge with which the student faced problems situations in which he required to investigate, explain and apply comprehensively. and responsibly the acquired knowledge, substantially improving the scientific competence in the students of the experimental group compared to the results of the control group. 

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