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Social - Cultural Identity in the training of future teachers at the Atlantic University

Identidad Social – Cultural en la formación de futuros docentes en la Universidad del Atlántico

How to Cite
Salas Medina, L. D. C. (2019). Social - Cultural Identity in the training of future teachers at the Atlantic University. Assensus, 4(7), 66-81.


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Lizeth Del Carmen Salas Medina

Lizeth Del Carmen Salas Medina,

Master in Education

Esp. Organic Chemistry

Degree in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education

Member of the Gecit research group

Atlantic University - Colombia

In recent years the Colombian government has been promoting plans to improve education; however, the issue of teachers' social and cultural identity has not been sufficiently addressed by researchers. Proof of this is the limited record of studies that address this issue at the national level, as a situation that ultimately affects the entire educational system of the nation.

The objective of this study is to determine the indicators that affect the social - cultural identity of future teachers of the Atlantic University. For this, a descriptive-correlational research was carried out, where the University Social-Cultural Identity Scale was applied to investigate these indicators. A sample of the student population was selected from the bachelor's programs of the Faculty of Education. From the study, it was possible to determine that indicators such as: sense of belonging, diversity management, educational researcher and preparation for learning, strongly influence the social - cultural identity of teachers in training.

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