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Strategy "Educating my emotions" for the prevention and decrease of bullying in secondary basic students

Estrategia “Educando mis emociones” para la prevención y disminución del bullying en estudiantes de Básica Secundaria

How to Cite
Ojeda Madrid, S. M., & Agámez Díaz, L. R. (2020). Strategy "Educating my emotions" for the prevention and decrease of bullying in secondary basic students. Assensus, 5(9), 152-170.


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Sandra Milena Ojeda Madrid

The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of the application of a social pedagogical strategy in the prevention and reduction of bullying in 8th grade students of the Marceliano Polo Educational Institution of the municipality of Cereté - Córdoba. The study is of qualitative approach and is framed within the case study design with a sample of 36 eighth grade students and 2 teachers. The instruments were the survey form, the interview form and the field diary. For the data analysis, a triangulation of the information was done, in other words, the interview, the surveys and the development of the social pedagogical strategy Ëducating my Emotions¨ were assembled to carry out a comprehensive study which showed students’ thoughts and teachers’ perceptions clearly. The results obtained were able to establish the characterization of the students against bullying which was in a high percentage in the Verbal and Social dimensions, in terms of the teachers' perception it was shown that they know about the problem of bullying but do not use prevention strategies Finally, the application of the emotional intelligence strategy contributed to improve the behavior and coexistence in the students, as well as to face better everyday and non-everyday situations.

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