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The problem-solving for the study of cartesian coordinates in secondary level students

La resolución de problemas para el estudio de coordenadas cartesianas en estudiantes del nivel secundario

How to Cite
Rojas Bello, R. R., & Casillas Martínez, S. (2021). The problem-solving for the study of cartesian coordinates in secondary level students. Assensus, 6(10), 78-89.


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Rogel Rafael Rojas Bello

Santica Casillas Martínez,

Graduated in Basic Education, 2nd Cycle, Mathematics and Natural Sciences at ISFODOSU; Magister in Mathematics Oriented to Secondary Education by ISFODOSU. Teacher with 8 years of service at the Santa María Josefa Rossello Workshop Center, Dominican Republic. She is the co-author of a work published in CEDOTIC. Magister Casillas has been a speaker at international scientific conferences.

This paper shows the effect of the application of the problem-solving strategy on the development of geometric skills and its impact on academic performance. In the intervention, the topic of the location of points and figures in the cartesian plane was developed, to a group of 31 first grade students of the Secondary Level in an Educational Center of the Monte Plata Province in the Dominican Republic. The study used a quasi-experimental methodological design with a quantitative approach and correlational scope, with a non-probabilistic sample without randomization, with an intact group and a pre-test and post-test design. The results of this research show that, through the application of the problem-solving strategy, students developed geometric skills that greatly improved learning on the topic of the location of points in the cartesian plane. Corroborated by a growth in the average of the qualifications from 34.38% obtained in the pre-test, to 82.73% that they reached in the post-test, with which it can be stated that there are significant differences in achievement levels (P_valor= .015). In addition, the results of the post-test indicate that there is no relationship between the sex of the students and the grades obtained when the heuristic is applied. It can be highlighted that the strategy was highly valued by the students.

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