Psychological well-being in nursing students in times of pandemics
Bienestar psicológico en estudiantes de enfermería en tiempos de pandemia
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Psychological well-being is considered as the proper functioning of a person's abilities, which are acquired through the experiences lived in their environment and which result from the positive changes experienced during their childhood. The objective of this research was to determine the level of psychological well-being and its relationship with socio-demographic variables in students of the nursing program of a Public University of the city of Santa Marta. Using an analytical empirical approach, the Ryff Psychological Well-being Scale was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of one hundred and two (102) students, between the ages of 16 and 25 years. In the results, a percentage of 33.3% of low level and 42.2% in the medium level of psychological well-being was found, this data being predominant in the students, in the dimensions of well-being, 52% were in the self-acceptance, likewise the dimensions of positive relationships, mastery of the environment and personal growth were located, and autonomy was at a high level with 58.8%, however, 57.8% in life purpose was located at a high level under. Regarding the relationship, with Pearson's Chi-square statistic, a significance of 0.010 of psychological well-being with employment relationship was presented, there were no differences between gender, educational level, economic income, marital status, type of housing and age.
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