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Deaf teacher and student: a commitment of training in the university classroom

Maestro y estudiante sordo: una apuesta de formación en el aula universitaria

How to Cite
Rabello, M. J., & Patiño Cuervo, O. (2022). Deaf teacher and student: a commitment of training in the university classroom. Assensus, 7(12), 46-64.

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Monica Jazmin Rabello
Oliva Patiño Cuervo

The research Deaf teacher and student: a commitment to training in the university classroom arises from the agreement 029 of 2015 through which the policy of inclusion is adopted in the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC), the study aims to characterize and analyze the practices of teachers in the classroom against the process of inclusive higher education of deaf students in the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UPTC, in the Tunja headquarters. The methodological design developed took into account the qualitative approach through the case study. Consequently, the results are presented from which the crisis is recognized as the element that engenders transformations and the resignation of the practice, and the mechanisms and devices used by teachers are also recognized. Finally, the interstices, of which are associated those spaces that, although small, give room to new forms of relationship and possibilities; of the other through the gesture, the image and the gaze. The study derives in approximations that allows to glimpse the relations between the teacher.

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