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Self-regulation of learning through digital technologies

Autorregulación del aprendizaje a través de las tecnologías digitales Self-regulation of learning through digital technologies

How to Cite
Montás García, M., & Christopher, S. (2021). Self-regulation of learning through digital technologies: Self-regulation of learning through digital technologies. Assensus, 6(11), 38-54.


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Maria Montás García
Sthepanie Christopher

The objective of this research was to analyze the use of technologies by students to regulate their learning process, making an emphasis on the regulation strategies employed. The problem was approached from two perspectives: Which is the use that students make of technologies to regulate their learning process? And, which strategies of self-regulated learning do students employ using technology? The approach of this study was quantitative, the design was non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional. The sampling was non-probabilistic and the technique used for data collection was the survey. The present research counted with the participation of 87 subjects from 14 Masters in Education programs of 2 public and 3 private universities in the city of Santo Domingo. The results indicate that graduate students make frequent use of technologies to self-regulate their learning process, being communication tools and the internet the most used technologies. Similarly, the self-regulated learning strategies used the most were collaborative learning, expansion and deepening information. It is important to highlight the need for employment of management and evaluation strategies that demand the use of metacognitive strategies, as well as deepening and reflecting. This would allow the students a greater domain of self-regulated learning.

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