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Visualize, lets build the concept of Similarity

Visualizar, permite construir el concepto de Semejanza

How to Cite
Ojeda Jimenez, J. E. (2022). Visualize, lets build the concept of Similarity. Assensus, 7(13), 9-31.

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Jose Elias Ojeda Jimenez

This study highlights the importance of the cognitive activity of visualization for the understanding of the concept of similarity of geometric figures, with seventh grade students at the Technical Industrial El Palmar educational institution located in Paz de Ariporo, Casanare; the low results in external tests, the insinuations that the MEN has been making in the standards and curricular guidelines of mathematics, show that there is a need to strengthen visualization as a cognitive activity necessary to recognize and analyze geometric properties, tools such as Geogebra make it possible This activity, more than a necessity, is a possibility. Design-based research (IBD) is the privileged qualitative methodology to develop this sequence that allows understanding aspects of similarity through visualization, when developing the tasks of a school technological activity whose central task is the construction of the model of a house and modeling of its parts; The initial results found show that according to the state of apprehension the child privileges the iconic visualization, since he tends to relate the representations with known objects. Focusing more on the recognition of the figure than on the identification of its properties as a consequence of the inter and intrafigural relationships, as the development of the proposed tasks continues, it can be seen that the child proposes auxiliary lines that originate a new figure passing from perceptual apprehension to surgery; When observing and analyzing the responses issued by the students, it can be seen that when they make auxiliary lines on a figure or figural representation, the qualitative properties are privileged, they go from the figure to the speech, evidencing dimensional deconstruction, favoring the non-iconic representation (Duval, 2010 ); consequently, perceptual apprehension functions as an articulating axis between the discourse and the operations that the child makes on the representations.

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