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Human Rights Education From The Recognition And Humanism Of The Other

Educación en Derechos Humanos desde el Reconocimiento y Humanismo del Otro

How to Cite
Arrieta Pérez, L. A., & Taborda Caro, M. A. (2021). Human Rights Education From The Recognition And Humanism Of The Other. Assensus, 6(11), 118-136.


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Ledys Alcira Arrieta Pérez
María Alejandra Taborda Caro

This article exposes human rights education, from its experience, with a focus on the theories of recognition and the humanism of the other by Emmanuel Levinas, which is based on the self that achieves its identity from absolute responsibility for the other man. Starts off a description of education for the experience of human rights taught at the Juan Pablo II Diocesan College of Planeta Rica, Córdoba, a qualitative research method was adopted, with the methodological design of phenomenology, which allowed structuring direct relationships with the research subjects through the application of focus groups, testimonial narratives and in-depth interviews. Among the results obtained, it is concluded that this type of education strengthens the collective ethics, which is the basis of participatory democracy. The school must insist on forming certain universal values that children and young people put into practice in their daily lives, therefore, training in human rights should not be carried out solely and exclusively from legal codes.

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