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Teaching strategies from Emilia Ferreiro psychogenetic perspective for the teaching of writing

Estrategias didácticas desde la perspectiva psicogenética de Emilia Ferreiro para la enseñanza de la escritura

How to Cite
Vergara Coavas, G. L., Sierra Llorente, L. J., & Doria Doria, M. L. (2022). Teaching strategies from Emilia Ferreiro psychogenetic perspective for the teaching of writing. Assensus, 7(13), 99-119.

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Glenis Luz Vergara Coavas,

Glenis Luz Vergara Coavas is a Master's candidate in Education at the University of Cordoba, she has a degree in Early Childhood Education with emphasis in Recreation and Sports and currently works as a full time teacher at the Divino Niño la Madera Educational Institution in Cordoba - Colombia. Her research interests are focused on Education and literacy.

Lenis Judith Sierra Llorente,

Lenis Judith Sierra Llorente holds a Master's degree in Education from the University of Córdoba, is a professional in the area of Mathematics and currently works as a full-time teacher at the Educational Institution Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Córdoba - Colombia. Her research interests are focused on Education and Mathematics.

Martha Ledis Doria Doria,

Martha Ledis Doria Doria, teacher with undergraduate degree from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Specialization in Educational Sciences with emphasis in Psycholinguistics from the Universidad Distrital, Tutor of the Todos a Aprender Program.
She has worked as a Teacher of Teaching Practice in the Normal Superior de Monteria, in the educational IE Camilo Torres and INEM of Monteria. University teacher at UNISINÚ, CECAR, JAVERIANA and CEP of Montería.
She participated in the revision of the current Basic Standards of Competence in Colombia, in the articulation of basic standards, whose experience "Lo que Generó el cuento" was published in the booklet "Relatos docentes" in 2008, Director of Núcleo in 1997, Coordinator of the Programa Prensa Escuela Córdoba for 10 years and member of the Preschool Multiplier Team during 1995 and 1996.

This study shows the contribution of a system of didactic strategies, based on Emilia Ferreiro's psychogenetic perspective, in the process of construction of the written language in first grade students of the Divino Niño la Madera Educational Institution. The problem revolved around the weaknesses in the writing process presented by the students and reflected in the results that they obtained in internal and external test. This study was developed in 3 phases using a qualitative approach through a case study with a group of 18 students. The intervention made it possible to achieve significant progress in the process of written language acquisition. After that intervention it was found that, through meaningful learning activities, from a constructivist perspective, 61% of the children have been in the third moment of writing, that is to say, the alphabetic level, 39% were in the second moment, the syllabic, with positive results and a short time to pass to the alphabetic level. This tracing allows to us to conclude the effectiveness of the didactic strategies, taking into account the psychogenetic perspective of Emilia Ferreiro, for the teaching of writing in the students of the educational institution

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