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Folkloric Popular Dance, a satisfactory synergy of human needs

La danza popular folclórica, un satisfactor sinérgico de las necesidades humanas

How to Cite
Parra Martínez, E. P., & De La Espriella Arenas, F. A. (2022). Folkloric Popular Dance, a satisfactory synergy of human needs. Assensus, 7(12), 29-45.

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Elaine Patricia Parra Martínez
Fernando Antonio De La Espriella Arenas

Folkloric dance and the interaction of its elements significantly influence the physical, mental and communicational control of the dancers; elevating knowledge and feelings to spaces that express from their intrinsic area to poems of life and social transformation, also denoting in their artistic creations and shows, sensations, emotions that awaken human sensitivity. The objective of this research is to describe from the discursive regularities of the students of the folkloric dance group of the University of Cordoba, Monteria, the human needs that are satisfied with the practice of dance, attending the matrix of needs and satisfiers of development on a human scale. The type of research was Reflection Action Research (RAR), and it was located in the context of the qualitative research approach. The results were structured obeying each of the three specific objectives and it was concluded that the contribution of dance is significant in the physical, affective, mental, intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the dancer, so it is necessary to strengthen cultural events in the educational field, where dance finds in the educational processes spaces where it manages to transcend in the social imaginary as an opportunity of life.    


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