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Level of appropriation of ICT and intercultural competence in primary basic teachers

Nivel de apropiación de la Competencia TIC e Intercultural en docentes de básica primaria

How to Cite
Daza Morales, N. S. (2022). Level of appropriation of ICT and intercultural competence in primary basic teachers. Assensus, 7(12), 171-192.

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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of an interactive discursive pedagogical strategy on the textual comprehension of elementary school students. Methodologically, it was carried out from a qualitative approach with an action research method. The population consisted of 3 teachers and 48 students from the El Gas educational institution in San Pelayo (Córdoba). To collect the information, techniques such as semi-structured interviews, discussion groups and pretest-posttest reading were used. The results indicate that the students' difficulties in text comprehension were related to the identification of the characters and ideas of the text, the making of inferences, the understanding of the superstructures and the macrostructure. Additionally, the teachers, after applying the strategy, acknowledge that it allowed them to be trained in textual comprehension and to know how to teach it, how to promote it. Finally, improvement was evidenced in the students' reading level. It can be concluded that the creation and application of the pedagogical strategy promoted the motivation and interest of teachers and students in the different activities contemplated, strengthening the teaching and learning processes of reading to improve the ability of students to interact with the text and understand it.

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