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Self-Perception of Teachers on Neuroscience and Transfer to the Dicactics of Sciences: A Phenomenographic Study

Autopercepción de los docentes sobre neurociencia y transferencia a la didáctica de las ciencias: un estudio fenomenográfico

How to Cite
Mercado Aguado, C., & Sierra Pineda, I. A. (2022). Self-Perception of Teachers on Neuroscience and Transfer to the Dicactics of Sciences: A Phenomenographic Study. Assensus, 7(12), 215-233.

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The purpose of this study is to determine the conceptions, knowledge and experiences of teachers about cognitive neuroscience and the possibilities of transferring its principles to science didactics. With a qualitative, phenomenographic approach, with a narrative case design of 22 teaching subjects from various areas of science in 12 public Educational Institutions of the Municipality of Montería. The semi-structured diagnostic survey, a questionnaire with open questions, sequence analysis matrix and a focus group mediated by Meet videoconference were used. The information was analyzed with the MAXQDA software, then plotted and triangulated. The results show the convergence between the conceptions and knowledge of neuroscientists and teachers, in relation to the possible usefulness of cognitive neuroscience knowledge; In addition, learning principles based on neuroscience had been foreseen and put into practice as a “trial and error” in the search for options to achieve better learning results; good conceptual knowledge about neurosciences and its relationship with the education sector is identified. In this sense, teachers support the possibility of transferring neuroscience principles to science didactics.

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