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"Bitácora MaP", A Metacognitive and Didactic Strategy that Develops Specific Competencies of Natural Sciences

“Bitácora MaP”, Una Estrategia Metacognitiva y Didáctica para el desarrollo de competencias en ciencias naturales

How to Cite
Blanquicet Arrieta, D. S., Barrera Sierra, J. P., & Carrascal Torres, N. . (2023). "Bitácora MaP", A Metacognitive and Didactic Strategy that Develops Specific Competencies of Natural Sciences. Assensus, 8(14), 27-51.

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Metacognitive and didactic strategies are a valid alternative to teach thinking, they refer to the planning, regulation, conscious control and evaluation of the cognitive activity displayed by students in their learning process. The present study through a design of Pedagogical Action Research aimed to transform the didactic pedagogical practices in the teaching of natural sciences in secondary education, for this it designs a didactic sequence mediated by the application of the Metacognitive and Didactic Strategy (MaP Log) based on questions that develop thinking and enhance the development of scientific competences from the area of natural sciences, starting from a situated teaching and learning, focused on real and contextualized situations, which motivate and link, actively and significantly, teachers and students to learn from the resolution of disciplinary and sociocultural problems. The conclusions of the study favor the integrated design of didactic sequences focused on student learning by applying the metacognitive and didactic strategy "Bitácora MaP" through the implementation of learning and evaluation tasks based on experiential-contextual learning experiences, based on problems, projects and challenges whose understanding facilitates the student to intervene in their sociocultural reality by applying the scientific knowledge developed in the classroom in the solution from the explanation and understanding of contextual phenomena that affect your social and institutional family community.

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