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Join my development stages and be part of them

Incluyete en mis etapas del desarrollo y participa de ellas

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Echeverry Anaya, J. C. ., & Rivera Prieto, A. X. . (2023). Join my development stages and be part of them. Assensus, 8(14), 99-111.

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Jheinny Carolina Echeverry Anaya
Aida Ximena Rivera Prieto

This research seeks to investigate the levels of knowledge that families have about alterations in the development of girls and boys from 6 months to 4 years of age from the kindergarten in the Tunjuelito neighborhood in (Bogotá D.C.), which provides a response to the need observed in parents due to theoretical-practical ignorance of the different development alterations that children can present at any stage of childhood. For this, the semi-structured interview was used, which is part of the qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, which allowed collecting the individual experiences of the families of the kindergarten, in which the point of view of the interviewees is described, the analysis carried out and the search for the meanings that these have about developmental alterations. Therefore, in the data collected through the instrument used, the lack of knowledge that families have about developmental disorders was evidenced, which generates the need to train all medical, psycho-social personnel and families in general. on a subject of great importance that can come to be presented in any home and in the different stages of the development of girls and boys, being them the fundamental pillars to provide a solution, help and support and thus contribute to an adequate integral development, which allows them to interact and evolve in the context where they operate.

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