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Sexual abuse risk´s factors for kids between 2 to 5 years old in a child development centers

Factores de riesgo de abuso sexual en niños y niñas de 2 a 5 años en centros de desarrollo infantil

How to Cite
Fiaga Rodríguez, G. J. ., Restrepo Cañas, C. M., & Rodríguez González, L. Ángela. (2023). Sexual abuse risk´s factors for kids between 2 to 5 years old in a child development centers. Assensus, 8(14), 112-125.

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Gina Juliana Fiaga Rodríguez
Carolina María Restrepo Cañas
Luz Ángela Rodríguez González

Children are experiencing various situations that can put them at risk, especially in their immediate environment such as family, school, friends and neighbors. The objective was to know the risk factors to which children attending the Child Development Center of Commune V of the Municipality of Yopal are exposed, in order to analyze them and subsequently obtain results. The methodology was developed under the qualitative method, which allowed the identification of the means by which the data would be obtained and the research method chosen was the phenomenological method. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview with the participation of 3 mothers, 1 teacher and 5 children who use this service. The main risk factors identified were lack of knowledge of the concept of "sexual abuse", unqualified professionals, limited and rotation of the same and little follow-up of the entity and care of the children by third parties. Mothers and teachers show interest in being trained to be able to take preventive measures and safeguard minors.

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