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The metacognitive perspective as a scenario of inquiry and understanding of the fundamentals in cognitive and affective neuroscience applied to university teaching and learning

La perspectiva metacognitiva como escenario de indagación y comprensión de los fundamentos en neurociencia cognitiva y afectiva aplicados a la docencia y el aprendizaje universitario

How to Cite
Sierra Pineda, I. A. (2023). The metacognitive perspective as a scenario of inquiry and understanding of the fundamentals in cognitive and affective neuroscience applied to university teaching and learning. Assensus, 8(14), 151-167.

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This article refers to the activity of preliminary conceptual inquiry of a study that arose from the need to address university teaching with alternative and renewed criteria and strategies, from the understanding that teachers have about their work and how it sustains it. The reflections derived from the first stage are delivered. It is intended to analyze the relationship that from this teaching awareness can be established between the different cognitive - emotional - communicative dimensions of human development and the management of university environments better scientifically oriented, where the effectiveness of learning is manifested as appropriation of habits of autonomous, self-motivated and continuous learning in students at the level of higher education and that this appropriation extends to the teaching staff and the level institutional in a perspective of organizational metacognition perspective.

The research process is proposed from premises and foundations of the findings in neuroscience of learning, in its affective and cognitive dimensions and a framework of interrogation is structured that subtly involves metacognition as a superior capacity and organizational learning, connecting a set of basic assumptions and a qualitative research route. Observations, self-reports and narratives are combined from in-depth interviews applied to professors and second-year students of educator training programs at the Faculty of Education of the University of Córdoba-Colombia, defined as case studies. It is expected to contribute to the construction of a contextual framework of conscious understanding of the applications of neuroscientific contributions to university teaching and to institutional organization and learning.

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