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Assessment of grammatical competencies in 6th grade English students

Evaluación de las competencias gramaticales en estudiantes de inglés de 6to de primaria

How to Cite
Beltré Gacía, A. R., & Bello Adames, V. M. (2024). Assessment of grammatical competencies in 6th grade English students. Assensus, 9(16), 28-48.

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Amaury Rafael Beltré Gacía
Víctor Manuel Bello Adames

Amaury Rafael Beltré Gacía,

An experienced English teacher holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages, with a majoring in English, and a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching from Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Currently, working as a Teacher and Coordinator of Diplomando Intensivo de Inglés para Docentes at Urania Montás, Campus of the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU). Also, a Language Instructor at Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Education (MINERD) and have been hired to teach classes at UASD. In addition to the teaching and coordinating roles, serves as an active member of Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación Educativa Urania Montás (GIIEUM).

Has presented research findings at various conferences, including the 9th Pre-Congress ISFODOSU-IDEICE 2019, 2do, 3ro y 4to Congreso Caribeño de Investigación Educativa, Seminars on Best Practices in 2020, 2021, and 2022 at Urania Montás Campus, and other events such as workshops on innovative language teaching and service-learning initiatives. Also contributed to research journals as a manuscript reviewer: International Journal of New Education (IJNE) and Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa (RECIE) and has authored several publications related to research findings.

Grammar is the fundamental structure of a language, and knowing it well is essential for communicating effectively and accurately. The overall objective of this study was to assess the level of English proficiency (grammar) of Grade 6 primary school students in two public and one private school in Regional 02, District 06 and 05. This research was developed under a descriptive design. The sample comprised 114 students between the ages of 10 and 14 years, attending extended day and afternoon classes in the Dominican educational system, with a distribution of 59 girls and 55 boys from two public and one private school. The data were collected through a placement test that assessed various grammatical areas of English. The findings were organised into a table of specifications for further analysis using SPSS and Excel. The results show that in the general aspects related to the use of English grammar in communicative situations, students' performance levels are very low; however, good performance was found in answering whquestions and shortquestions, although students showed difficulty in answering questions related to the use of articles and conditionals.

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