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Didactic strategies in the development of socio-emotional competencies in sixth grade students in the post-pandemic

Estrategias didácticas en el desarrollo de competencias socioemocionales en estudiantes de sexto grado en post pandemia

How to Cite
Madera Romero, S. M., Martínez Gómez, S. M., & DE LA CRUZ, S. M. (2024). Didactic strategies in the development of socio-emotional competencies in sixth grade students in the post-pandemic. Assensus, 9(16), 49-67.

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Sandra Milena Madera Romero
Sandra Marcela Martínez Gómez

Since the emergence of COVID-19 as a health emergency in Colombia, people, especially children and adolescents, have experienced emotions of fear, uncertainty, stress and anger. These emotions have affected cognitive and social development, manifesting themselves in the development of socio-emotional competencies in sixth grade students of the Aníbal Ojeda Educational Institution, Sucre-Colombia, and in the problem of school dropout. An epistemic model of structuralism was used with an inductive qualitative approach. The population studied included 105 high school students, ten teachers, one administrator and one manager, while the convenience sampling was made up of 19 sixth grade students, between 9 and 12 years of age: four teachers and one director. The information was collected through observation techniques, field diaries, focus groups and interviews. The results obtained indicate that the pandemic experienced due to the COVID-19 virus negatively affected the socio-emotional area of the students, which led to poor academic performance upon returning to the classroom. For this reason, it is necessary to propose strategies that mitigate this problem and strengthen the socio-emotional competencies of students.

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