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Development of geometric thinking based on the use of didactic strategies supported by computational tools and the Van Hiele model

Desarrollo del pensamiento geométrico a partir del uso de estrategias didácticas soportadas en herramientas computacionales y el modelo Van Hiele

How to Cite
Therán Palacio, E., & Oviedo Vergara, E. (2018). Development of geometric thinking based on the use of didactic strategies supported by computational tools and the Van Hiele model. Assensus, 3(4), 49-59.


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Eugenio Therán Palacio
Elver Oviedo Vergara

Eugenio Therán Palacio,

Universidad de Sucre

Institución Educativa Sabaneta de San Juan de Betulia, Sucre.


Magister en Educación.

Especialista en Educación Matemática.

Elver Oviedo Vergara,

Universidad de Sucre – Institución Educativa José Yances Mutis de Chinú – Córdoba.


Magister en Educación.

This article shows a report of the research “Didactic Strategies to Strengthen Geometric Thinking Applying Computational Technologies and the Van Hiele Model”, product of the authors' degree work within the framework of the Master in Education of the SUE Caribe. The research problem was to inquire whether the geometric thinking of the students is enhanced by the use of teaching strategies that involve the use of Cabri software and the Van Hiele model. The objectives aim to explore whether mathematical competence develops in students through the application of activities that include the use of Cabri software and the Van Hiele model and if there are significant differences between men and women in terms of the development of geometric thinking . A quasi-experimental design was used, developing activities with students of two sixth grade courses of the Gabriel García Márquez Educational Institution of Corozal, Sucre, Colombia.

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