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Perceptions of teachers and school chiefs, about the transformation processes of institutional improvement plans

Percepciones de los docentes y directivos sobre los procesos de transformación de los planes de mejoramiento institucional

How to Cite
Díaz Pérez, R. A., & Torres Argumedo, J. E. (2020). Perceptions of teachers and school chiefs, about the transformation processes of institutional improvement plans. Assensus, 5(9), 9-29.


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Rafael Antonio Díaz Pérez
Jorge Eliecer Torres Argumedo

Rafael Antonio Díaz Pérez,

The present article of research results reveals the perceptions of teachers and educational managers about the processes of transformation and participation in the Institutional Improvement Plans (PMI), within the framework of the Master in Education SUE Caribbean of the University of Córdoba. Part of the reflexive and collective analysis of the PMIs of the educational institutions Policarpa Salavarrieta and Victoria Manzur de Monteria; for the generation of actions, which lead to the strengthening of institutional and pedagogical processes. It was supported by qualitative research, with a Research-Action methodological design, designed in four phases: an approach that gives rise to research purposes, as a result of the review and analysis of PMIs; Reflection provided guidelines for the design of an action plan, product of the discussion group and the strengthening of the theoretical framework; application as an approach to the reality of PMIs and their relevance in educational institutions; Finally the evaluation, which provides the result obtained. The study shows varied perceptions of PMIs, in relation to the participation of teachers and managers, whose result initially shows a low level of performance; but the dynamics implemented, allowed to glimpse changes in the adoption, elaboration and execution of the PMI; allowing to give a new meaning to the improvement actions in the educational establishments under study.

Keywords: Perceptions, Institutional Improvement Plan, educational quality, institutional self-evaluation, PEI.

This article shows the teaching and managerial perceptions of the transformation processes of the Institutional Improvement Plans (PMI). Part of the reflective and collective analysis of the PMIs of the educational institutions Policarpa Salavarrieta and Victoria Manzur de Montería, for the generation of actions leading to the strengthening of the institutional and pedagogical processes. A qualitative research method was used, with a Research-Action methodological design, organized in four phases: an approach that gives rise to research purposes, as a result of the review and analysis of PMIs; Reflection provided guidelines for the design of an action plan, product of the discussion group and the strengthening of the theoretical framework; application as an approach to the reality of the PMI and its relevance in educational institutions, finally the evaluation, which provides the result obtained. The study shows varied perceptions about the PMI, in relation to the participation of teachers and managers, showing a low level of performance; but, the dynamics implemented, allowed to glimpse changes in the adoption, elaboration and execution of the PMI, allowing to give a new meaning to the improvement actions in the educational establishments under study.

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