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Influence of hypermedia and hypertext contents on the development of inferential reading in 5th grade learners.

Influencia de contenidos hipermedia e hipertextos en el desarrollo de la lectura inferencial en aprendices de 5° Grado.

How to Cite
Ruiz Arteaga, A. R., & Petro Contreras, E. R. (2020). Influence of hypermedia and hypertext contents on the development of inferential reading in 5th grade learners. Assensus, 5(8), 9-26.


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Armando Rafael Ruiz Arteaga
Edgar Ramón Petro Contreras

The main purpose of this paper was to show the influence of hypermedia and hypertext content in the development of inferential reading, in primary school students. The participating sample was 58 fifth grade students of the Antonia Santos Educational Institution in Montería-Colombia. In ages between nine and twelve years. The scope of this work is descriptive, which was considered through a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. The results show that mediation through hypermedial and hypertextual content, achieves an improvement in most of the domains related to the inferential reading level, especially in the logical and argumentative domains. These domains allow us to warn that the students who underwent the intervention (mediation with contents in hypertext and hypermedia format) improved their ability to recognize and manage more complex syntactic structures. However, it is recommended taking into account a larger population and establish better control of variables to verify if the influence is maintained.

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