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Reading and Writing Skills through a ubiquitous and collaborative learning system

Las competencias de lectura y escritura a través de un sistema ubicuo y colaborativo de aprendizaje

How to Cite
Velásquez Ramos, E. P. (2020). Reading and Writing Skills through a ubiquitous and collaborative learning system. Assensus, 5(9), 171-189.


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Erika Petrona Velásquez Ramos

This article shows the results of the research that had the objective of evaluating the incidence of the implementation of a ubiquitous and collaborative learning system, in the strengthening of the reading and writing competences in the 9th grade students of the Antonia Santos Educational Institution. A methodological design of evaluative research was applied - evaluation of educational programs, where the effects of a language program designed with Dee Fink's Taxonomy of Significant Learning, centered on goals and skills that the student should develop at the end of the formative process on his strengthening in the communicative competence of reading and writing. The research involved a diagnostic phase, a program design phase, a program implementation phase, and an evaluation phase of program implementation. The results obtained reflected that there was improvement in the communicative competence of reading and writing, in comparison with the diagnostic test applied at the beginning of the school year. Finally, it is viable to consider that it is indispensable to understand that reading and writing are the main training tools for understanding the world, being able to interact and solve problems in diverse disciplinary and sociocultural contexts.

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