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Geometric Metric Component through collaborative learning

Componente Geométrico Métrico a través del aprendizaje colaborativo

How to Cite
Sierra Llorente, L. J., & Robles González, J. R. (2022). Geometric Metric Component through collaborative learning. Assensus, 7(13), 82-98.

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Lenis Judith Sierra Llorente
Juana Raquel Robles González

Juana Raquel Robles González,

Juana Raquel Robles González holds a Master's degree in Statistical Sciences. She is a full time professor-researcher attached to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Cordoba, teaching the undergraduate program in Statistics in the courses of Experimental Design, Probability and Statistics, Nonparametric Statistics, Consulting, among others; and graduate courses in the Master in Education where she has taught Quantitative Approaches in Educational Research, Organization and Treatment of Quantitative Research Data and Techniques and Instruments of Quantitative Research in Education.

The drawbacks that are shown in the teaching and learning processes of mathematics are evidenced in the results of the students in the internal and external tests, which leads to proposing strategies that favor learning and development in basic skills. The influence of collaborative learning with leadership environments on the development of mathematical thinking was investigated, measured through the geometric metric component with students at high school level from an official educational institution. A quasi-experimental design that included a test to determine leadership conditions in the experimental group was used, and another test that evaluated the level of development of the component in the students, before and after the intervention. The results showed significant changes in the development of the geometric-metric component in the experimental group after being intervened, achieving improvements in the construction and manipulation of representations of the objects of space, the relationships between them and their transformations. This research represents a change from the traditional teaching model, allowing to conclude that the collaborative learning strategy produced a positive change in the students.

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